FIT6 stage 1 - Alkalization and detoxification
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What does each FIT6 package ordered include?
Each FIT6 package offers a number of customer benefits such as:
- NUTRICODE food supplements , GMP certified;
- food plan with indications related to the stage you are going through;
- access to advice from the FM WORLD nutritionist;
- suggestive plan for all 5 meals/day, for 30 days*;
- access to the platform dedicated to FIT6 clients*;
- access to the monthly newsletter FIT6*;
- participation in competitions dedicated to our customers*
- dedicated nutrition consultant *;
- downloadable materials & food recipes *;
- facebook group with materials & news*;
- support chat group*.
* benefits offered exclusively, only for customers in our group. If you opt to purchase FIT6 packages from other sources/other consultants, benefits marked with * will not be granted.
Products and package contents
The FIT6 Classic program is an innovative method of weight loss designed by specialists in Portugal. It stands out both for its efficiency (the average weight loss is 1.25 kg per week ), but also for removing the yo-yo effect . The whole program is designed like a game: all you have to do is follow its rules.
In the first stage (the first 30 days) of the program, we reduce inflammation in the body that results from an incorrect diet . The goal is not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse and detoxify the body.
Your diet will be more natural, which will reduce inflammatory processes , thus improving your overall health and slowing down the aging process. Results? It helps to lose weight and reduce the percentage of fat in the body . A proper diet also improves the state of mind .
There is a restriction on the consumption of refined sugar and flour, as well as processed products in general. In some cases, reducing sugar consumption can cause headaches and a feeling of weakness. This is normal in the first few days after starting the program. After, the body gets used to it and the symptoms disappear.
What is the difference between FIT6 Classic and the FIT6 New Generation program?
- The FIT6 Classic program targets the participants' problems according to the body mass index they had at the time of starting the program.
- The FIT6 New Generation program aims to identify and eliminate the cause that leads to the excessive consumption of food that supports an inappropriate body weight. Find FIT6 New Generation Stage 1 here .
Where does the notion of "Preventing inflammation" come from?
Therefore, there is actually a reduction in the consumption of nutritional products that cause inflammation in the body, while the consumption of products with anti-inflammatory activity increases.
What are the expectations?
First of all, there will be a reduction in body volume, weight loss, general improvement in health and well-being.
It was confirmed that obese people have an increased rate of inflammation in the body. Body fat percentage affects these indicators. This inflammation creates ideal conditions for the development of health problems, diseases related to obesity and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc. At the same time, inflammation of the body reduces the ability to lose weight and body volume.
By acting right at the source of the problem, we will achieve the goal - lose weight and reduce body fat faster, without having to consume highly processed products.
Is the Phase 1 meal plan hard to follow?
The stage 1 meal plan has the most dietary restrictions, but is still an extremely flexible plan. There is a varied list of permitted foods and an indicative menu, but you can make any combination of foods within the list of permitted foods and you can also be inspired by recipes posted on the Facebook group " FIT6 - from fat to lean ". In this way, we make sure that it will not be difficult to go through the first 30 days of the program and the results will be amazing.
Which FIT6 package is right for me?
The FIT6 Classic program targets the participants' problems according to the body mass index they had at the time of starting the program.
- the ECONOMIC package is suitable if a moderate weight loss is desired during FIT6, up to 5-10 kilograms.
- the BASIC package is suitable if a weight loss during FIT6 of up to 15 kilograms is desired.
- the FULL package (with infusion or coffee, depending on personal preference) is suitable if a weight loss during FIT6 of more than 20 kilograms is desired.
Product information
Dosage : Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Disclaimer : Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Produced by/for : FM WORLD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą we Wrocławiu, address: ul. Żmigrodzka 247, 51-129 Wrocław, KRS: 0000411446, NIP: 8952010760
Ingredients: Rarely the list of ingredients can be changed. Check the ingredients listed on the label of the purchased product.